The Gods be damned!
For they will have damned us to an eternity of suffering; living in the squalor of our own ignorance.
Who are they? These Gods and their legions of angels? Or their demons. We find it difficult to tell the difference between those minions. Indeed, they hail from the same star formation in the far reached of space. The same, but different sins.
The Gods! What can we say about the Gods?
They know only how to manipulate the stuff of the Sight better than mere mortals. The most advanced of the Gods… and thank your God only a few exist, create universes. While the lessors can only work within one… this one. And that, my friends, is worry enough. Thus, the whole lot presents itself as a curse.
Angels come to a few who speak loud into the Sight and present a gift of a miracle. But, surer than Hell exists, some other poor mortal will pay that price. For the energy to perform that gift must come from somewhere. Yes, we are receptacles for their folly and vice.
I ponder the birth of these Gods. Did they birth from the Sight? Did some mortal learn to harness the energy of the Sight? I do wish so. Perhaps we can free ourselves from the their tyranny. But given the way this universe works, I suspect we will end in some misery.
When their every whim leads to our trouble and pain, I fear little we can do to make any gain. Our lives inextricably knotted to their desires. I wonder if theirs to ours? We are the battery lending energy to their Universe. We can overload their capability with highly-charged emotional fires.
The Gods be damned!