Everybody needs a blog!
so, let us give it a go.
The publisher(you know who that is) thought I needed to create a blog. Like I don’t have enough problems getting something written as it is.
What will you see on this blog?
I want to post once a week. yeah, nothing too ambitious there.
I can talk about anything under the sun. or the moon. But, here’s a run down of what I might cover:
- Personal stuff – don’t expect too much of that
- Interviews – hey, we can think big, eh
- Personal News – what’s happening?
- writing Industry news
- short stories – cool stuff
- updates on stories in progress – this could astonish you
- Review books from other good folks
- Answers to questions you might pose ( or the other personalities in my head)
- Solve problems. can I?
- Teach – Oh, this should be good
- Collaborate with others.
Nice list dude!
You might know that I hold opinions on pretty much everything. In some cases, opposing or conflicting views… at the same time. What fun we’ll have…
Some experts claim that a blog post needs to be 2000 words in length. What the…? Most people I know couldn’t get through something that long. Unless it provided great content on a pressing topic.
I have no intention of pressing your buttons to sell you something. Well… maybe I will make an offer, that I hope you don’t refuse. Something like “But my festering turd of a story.”
I might tell you a thing or two about my diet, and drop in an f-bomb or two. I follow a keto diet and we love fat-bombs. get it? Sigh!
I compete with a lot of other voices on this site, so I might need to be a little louder than usual.
I’ll write a little intro for me, in the next post.
Until then, have fun… and play safe.